• TCDM has launched and provides a free to use computerized tool useful for allocation of animals into intervention groups, for statistical testing of the intervention effects and for power calculation for sample size determination (Laajala TD et al., Scientific Reports 2016, 6; 30723): MANILA (utu.fi)
  • For its collaborators and clients TCDM can provide seamless data collaboration on multiple platforms for efficient, secure, and reliable end-to-end connectivity data sharing, including access to project network folders, Teams environment etc.
  • Related to advanced biomathematical analyses on the preclinical models, TCDM has established close collaboration with the Medical Bioinformatics Centre at University of Turku (elolab.utu.fi). The Centre has strong expertise in analyzing and interpreting several types of molecular data and their combination with phenotypic parameters.
  • For RNA and single cell RNA sequencing TCDM applies commercial CROs providing high capacity and high-quality sequencing services.